Monday, August 20, 2012

a little update, and some goals for the week

Whew! The last few weeks have been a handful. Mostly in a good way. We've pretty much had no internet access for the last month, so, you know, I've been pretty much a total wreck. I've got a lot of good posts in the works about stuff going on around here, so stay tuned, provided I can avoid any more technological troubles.

Also, I'm not sure what happened, but BOOM, summer's whipped. I mean, it's not quite fall yet, not really, but summer has definitely lost all his chutzpah, and I don't walk out the front door and immediately wither into a sweaty, disgusting mess. Also, I can cook in my kitchen without turning into a sweaty, disgusting mess. I might even be convinced to work out in the garden again now that it will take a little while before I turn into a sweaty, disgusting mess. I'm sure summer still has a couple of hot days or weeks up his sleeve, but the point is, he's losing. It's over. Fall is on her way, and there's no stopping it. Amen.

In other news, I decided pretty much on a whim right this minute, that I am going to start posting some weekly goals on here every Monday, and then report back at the end of the week about what actually gets done and what doesn't. Hopefully this will keep me blogging regularly and getting some projects done. So. Here goes:

This week's goals:

try my hand at making bagels

make mozerella cheese (yes, please!)

get the fall garden planted

roast sunflower seeds

get some crafty stuff photographed and listed on ETSY

Here goes nothin'! What are your goals for the week?

1 comment:

  1. Yay for goals! My "home" goals for the week are as follows:
    clean bathrooms
    do laundry
    pick veggies from garden
    buy a bicylcle

    My goal for Ed is to finish building our back porch! (This will take longer than a week, of course.)
