Wednesday, April 11, 2012

chicks in the brooder, and Farm Day!

We got some new chickies over the weekend, and I'm so excited about it! After the Great Chicken Massacre of 2011, we had 5 unsuccessful attempts last summer to keep chickens here at the farm, and I swore I wouldn't try again until the chicken run had been completely revamped with razor wire and motion-sensors and heat-seeking missiles and what not. And while we may not get that carried away with it, we are hosting our first Farm Day of the year on Saturday, and our youth group is coming out to help us repair the chicken run, pull some weeds, and plant some stuff. And what better motivation for teenagers to get some work done than the chance to see some sweet, fluffy chicks get a good, safe home? Here's hoping, anyway.
This time around we've got 3 Amaraucanas, 2 Rhode Island Reds, and 1 Welsummer. I'm planning to go back to the poultry lady this week and pick up some Lavender Orpingtons, and hopefully another Welsummer. Eventually these pretty ladies will be gracing our table (and probably a few others as well) with fresh eggs. I haven't told Davey this yet.. but I'm also scheming to get a rooster and start raising some chicks of our own. I might even start my own small-scale chick hatchery. I'm thinking to raise Welsummers or Amaraucanas to sell. IF I can find a good rooster.

Oh, and speaking of Farm Day - our first open-invite work day is this Saturday, April 14th. We'll be planting, fixing the coop, pulling weeds, moving around some bricks and whatever else looks like it needs doing. We'll end the day with a meal around the fire, and maybe even some music. Bring your work gloves and a camp chair, tools if you got 'em, or just come to hang out and keep us company. It's gonna be a great day!

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